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The insidiousness of wokeism isn’t a twist of fate; it’s a strategy of brainwashing that has affected every corner of our culture
(FOX) My great-grandfather, Aron Gelberg, died in a gulag near the Kuril Islands in eastern Russia sometime in the late 1930s. Gulag stands for Glavnoye Upravleniye Ispravitelno-Trudovykh Lagerey or Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps, a bureaucratic name for forced labor camps maintained during the time of the Soviet Union.
Aron and his wife, Chaya, had owned a bakery in Gomel, Belarus, when private enterprise became illegal under the rule of Josef Stalin.
Other people in the gulags were politicians, intellectuals, artists or simply related to one of those objectionable persons. Some were there because they had said the wrong thing, others because they didn’t say the right thing strongly enough. My grandmother and her siblings were children when their father was taken away, but they learned the lesson: obey…
Stolen Youth: How the woke, like all totalitarians, are targeting our children | Fox News
Stolen Youth: How the woke, like all totalitarians, are targeting our children